Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Anseahawk Digital Battery Tester

Link to Battery Tester on Amazon
Battery Tester

This is a great quick battery checker for a nice low price. This device will check AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, and mini button cell batteries. The read out is digital and very easy to read. You get results quickly and easily. The device doesn't require extra batteries to run because it uses the voltage from the battery your testing. I though that was really neat. The back of the device has a little reference chart to tell you what voltage reading are low but still good and when the reading is just too low. When you are testing a battery and it doesn't even turn on that means that the battery is dead. The front panel of the device also has info telling you which way to correctly put each kind of battery to get a reading. Sometimes it can be tricky getting the battery to be touching both metal strips when you are trying to get a reading. Especially with the button mini cells and the AAA. Sometimes I have to use both hands and position the battery carefully. With some practice you just get better at it. This device is light in weight and made from plastic.

This is such a useful gadget for me. I have this container in my home with a bunch of new and used batteries all jumbled up together. This device is great for finally going through that and getting rid of the bad batteries. Sometimes I have remotes that are not working right. Testing the batteries will let me know if my batteries are just getting low or my remote needs replacing.
Very useful device to have in your home. I highly recommend it.

Disclosure: I was provided this Battery Tester free of charge from Anseahawk for evaluation and testing. All opinions are my own.
I did not received and will not receive any other compensation.